
时间:2023-01-30 18:02:24

1、To climb, and I understand that the body in the upward movement of the soul but in the downward slide。向上爬的事,我的理解是,肉身在向上运动,灵魂却在向下滑落

2、Sports so tired body more dynamic。运动会让疲累的身体更有活力

3、Having a wormlike motion;twisting or wriggling。蠕动的具有蠕虫般运动的;弯曲的或扭动的

4、The essence of life is movement, peaceful tranquility is death。人生的本质在于运动,安谧宁静就是死亡。

5、Games is a good opportunity for videotaping his beloved people!运动会是偷拍自己心爱的人的好机会!

6、The presidential campaign was in full swing。总统竞选运动正在全力进行中。

7、Life always done curvilinear motion, even if successful people have gone through a lot of detours.人生总在做曲线运动,即使再成功的人也走过很多弯路。

8、I love all kinds of sports。 我喜欢各种各样的运动。

9、 It would be nice to get out of the city。 Do you want some company?可以分开郊区出去走走真不赖。你想有个伴吗?

10、A movement among voters toward nonpartisanship,resulting in a weakening of party structure。解散联盟在选举人中赞成无党派的运动,导致党组织的削弱

11、Exercise is a natural doctor。运动是天然的医生

12、no matter how cold it gets, we must all stick to our exercise routine。 不管天气多么寒冷,我们都要坚持锻炼。

13、Life is like riding a bike, in order to maintain the balance we must continue to exercise。 生活就像骑自行车,要想保持平衡就要不断运动。

14、Fat people more exercise, people ugly to read more!人胖多运动,人丑多看书!

15、A limb or an appendage of an animal,used for locomotion or support。腿动物的肢或附属肢体,用于运动或支撑身体

16、Heat is a mode of motion。热是运动的一种形式。

17、Life is movement? Life is still! You see that lying bastard lived for many years !生命在于运动?生命在于静止!你看王八趴那活了多少年!

18、I always had a leaning towards sport。我一向喜欢运动。

19、This reflected a migration of truly awesome proportions。这是一种真正骇人的人口迁移运动。

20、I go as much as I can。 I love hiking because you can really get in touch with nature。尽可以经常去。我喜爱徒步旅游,由于这样你才可以真正接触大自然。

21、Life is movement, Cease endless movement. 生命在于运动,生命不止,运动不息。

22、Physical health and damage due to stationary, due to athleticism and long-term。身体的健康因静止不动而破坏,因运动练习而长期保持。

23、Weather getting cold, movement and let your body temperature 天气渐冷,运动让你的身体升温

24、A motion of the hand or the waving of a wand。挥动手的运动或棍棒的挥动

25、Olympic Games is a group of people who most need exercise, watching a group of people most in need of rest, where the movement.奥运会就是一群最需要运动的人,看着一群最需要休息的人,在那里运动 。

26、I am exercising so as to lose weight。我运动是为了减轻体重。

27、Moderate exercise is fundamental to good health。适度的运动对健康是绝对必要的。

28、No object, only the movement。没有物体,只有运动。

29、Marked by or moving in a wavelike form or motion; sinuous。波状的或以波浪式运动的;起伏不平的

30、regular physical exercises can strengthen ones resistance against illness。 经常锻炼身体,能够提高人体的抵抗力。

31、I have a strong inclination for sports。我很喜爱运动。

32、Good basketball players must show their sincere feelings for basketball。好的篮球运动员必须表现出自己对篮球的真挚感情。

33、We have marked the play area off with a white line。我们已用白线画出运动场地。

34、Conscious behavior purpose is to want。 I think it is the reverse movement of consciousness。目的性的意识行为是为想。想是意识的逆向运动。

35、It's a crusade against corruption。这是一场反腐败的运动。

36、Health from sports, to his athletic life, you want to be all things sports。健康来自运动,生命来自己运动,一切想要的东西都要运动。

37、Any object in motion at the speed of light, its length will be shortened to zero。任何物体以光速运动时,其长度将会缩短为零

38、Games is one of my scar, he became my shadow。运动会是我的一个疤,成为了我的阴影。

39、the racket used in paddle tennis or table tennis。碰碰网球或乒乓球运动中使用的球拍。

40、 in morning, there are a lot of old men doing exercise in the park。 早上在公园锻炼的老头儿特别的多。

41、The playing area is demarcated by a white line。运动场地以白线为界。

42、Wake up every morning the first thing is to smile to myself, as well as, sports。每天早上醒来的第一件事是对自己微笑,还有,运动

43、There stands a break, the conservation movement。 Ma, who actually won?有立有破,运动守恒。马云究竟赢了谁?

44、The green campaign is a global phenomenon。绿色运动是全球性的现象。

45、In a spherical nucleus, the coupling term implies an interweaving of the quadrupole and dipole motion对球形核中的耦合项意味着四级运动和偶极运动间的交织。

46、Football players are not true winner flopping sent off!足球运动员都是影帝 假摔不真 红牌罚下!

47、Since football is a world game, the term own goal is widely known around the world。自从足球成为一项世界性运动,“乌龙球”这个词就尽人皆知了。

48、Life is not only to sports, but is frustrating。 Movement keeps the body healthy, toss to make life meaningful。生命不只在于运动,更在于折腾。运动使身体健康,折腾使生活有意义。
